Everywhere we looked around!!!!

J’s and L’s were enjoying themselves today, intermingling just off the west side of San Juan Island, Haro Strait (48°32.60N, 123°10.58). There were approximately three different groups spread out and one of the groups had two large males intimately chasing after a set of females. We decided to give them a little privacy and let nature takes its course, so we went on to catch up with “Moonlight” (L83) and her son “Midnight” (L110).

The two were cruising pretty fast, porpoising out of the water to keep their speed, allowing us to see the full extent of their black and white bodies. They changed direction on us a few times giving us a little play, both on the starboard side and off the stern.

Son was stickin’ close to mama, demonstrating the true matriline connection that forms amongst the southern residents. Gotta love them mama’s boys! We left them headed north at approximately 3:15PM.

Whether it was family love, or a little more-than-friendly love, it was all around today and man could you feel it!

Naturalist Tara, San Juan Safaris