Yet another day with the cookie clan! We took the Sea Lion to the southwest side of San Juan, just off of False Bay, to watch the most adorable and hunger-inducing trio of J pod to ever exist – the cookie clan.
This little grouping consists of Oreo, the matriarch of her family group, and her two sons, Cookie and Doublestuf. Cookie is only 13 years old and still growing – the whale equivalent of those awkward teenage years. His dorsal fin is sprouting, so not quite at its full 6 feet like his brother’s.
These three whales were circling the area, changing direction unexpectedly and moving slowly. This is classic feeding behavior! We watched the little family as they perused the area – Oreo even cartwheeled out of the water!
Eventually we had to head back home, so we stopped by Long Island off of Lopez to watch a bald eagle and spot her nest amongst the trees on the way back.
Naturalist Sarah C.
M/V Sea Lion