We found the Southern Resident Orca Whales off Pile Point, on the west side of San Juan Island. It was J pod – or at least some of J pod.

The whales would come up for about 3 seconds with a huge exhale and dove right back down again. We gently followed their path south to False Bay. They continued the same behavior of a short exhale/inhale and down for the next 20 minutes or so. We left the orcas there near False Bay just after 7:00 PM. Pictured is Double Stuff with other pod members.

On the way back, a guest made a great spot of a mature bald eagle sitting on a rock – by itself. A bit further on there was another mature bald eagle in a tree fairly close to its enormous nest. I am going to estimate that the nest is 5 – 6 foot across.

While motoring back to Friday Harbor the Captain spotted a few Harbor Porpoise. They too were quick in coming up and going back down. We were in San Juan Chanel and it was about 8 PM.

Lighting was nice. Water smooth like silk. Temperature mild. Ah……summer – at last.