Wildlife of the Salish Sea

Wildlife of the Salish Sea

We are so spoiled here to live in (or visit) an area just overflowing with gorgeous views, amazing weather, and bountiful wildlife. Even working here every day, I never get tired of this gorgeous place and all the critters that inhabit it with me. We had an amazing...

Wildlife Galore

We had a very exciting and full-of-wildlife day! We departed Friday Harbor heading north into Canadian waters. Before seeing the main event (killer whales) we spotted about five or six harbor porpoise just north of San Juan Channel. Not long after we saw one dorsal...

Porpoising Orcas

We caught up with killer whales just as they were swimming across Turn Point, off Stuart Island, heading west. The whales were not just slowly traveling by; they were porpoising out of the water, moving fast! All together there were four of them. Two were right next...